What has been your biggest takeaway on building relationships from the session?
" That in order for a relationship to grow, you must be able to realize and acknowledge that everyone has their own boundaries that should be respected. "
Nur Farahiyyah binti Abdul Shaib | General Participant
1st Year
Universiti Brunei Darussalam​
" This summit has helped me grow as a person by teaching me about the importance of how other perceive me, as well as how I perceive myself. "
Siti Mal'da 'Arisyah Bte Hj Bujang | General Participant
St Andrew's School​
" My biggest takeaway is how communication is the key to sharing a good relationship with others. "
Fahim Ariffin | General Participant
Pusat Tingkatan Enam Belait​
" I learnt a lot from Ms Alya from her talking about BLNG to giving out advice. I really enjoyed the youth summit for today as it enhance more of out teamworks and shows each one of our creativity. "
Nursya’adatul Sya’afiiah binti Haji | Core Participant
Institute of Brunei Technical Education​
" Mr. Vivek gave me a motivation actually to learn new language and a reason its good to be bilingual and also Miss Ayla told us that we should be true to ourselves and do what we love. "
Nuur Syaza Az-Zahraa | General Participant
St. George's School​
What advice have you learned on effective communications from the session?
" The Do’s and Don’ts on virtual communications made me rethink alot of how i was during online school. "
Nyi Raden Gabriella Bianca Poerawinata | General Participant
St Andrew's School​
" Effective communications are all about "more listening and less talking". It's about understanding emotions and intentions behind the information you received. Eye contact also plays an important part in communication; it shows that you're interested, without eye contacts you would feel disconnected. "
Najwa Awliyani binti Mohamad Yusri | Core Participant
Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Husain​
" Definitely what Miss Ayla said 'Being true to who you are' although by being yourself is not easy, we shouldn't stop there. "
Abbi'Abrara'Salsabila binti Haji Zaini | General Participant
Sufri Bolkiah Secondary School​
" Dj Nadzri has really elaborated and covered every inch of effective communications that I will take with me to adulthood. Something that really stuck with me was when he said that effective communication isn't about the speaker but the listener. Which I absolutely agree with!! Yes, it's important to speak clearly but the main objective is to be listened to and make others understand. I also took into account the importance of non-verbal communication which is absolutely correct. Majority of the time I focus on capturing the viewers' interest and heavily rely on my speech to deliver crucial information. However, now I know that my effective communication can only work if I have good content and delivery. "
Amal Bazeelah binti Sofian Erwan | Core Participant
Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri​
" The most valuable advice that I have received from this session is the advice from Mr Vivek, which is to evolve your mindset into any situations that you may be placed in, and if it's not possible, then you might as well just stand out of the crowd. "
Joshua Hee | General Participant
International School Brunei​
What was your favorite session?
" The art of communications because i found it really funny and learnt a lot of new things such as when you listen to someone, you should listen from 3 different angles. "
Jackson Ong Hock Thye | Core Participant
Chung Hua Middle School BSB​
" My favourite session was during Ms Ayla's commentary. Being true to yourself is indeed one of the most important thing. Guidance is based on your core values, it is essential when making decisions. "
Alya Darwisyah @ Syasya Binti Haju Hajizul | Core Participant
Maktab Sains Paduk Seri Begawan Sultan​
" Definitely what Miss Ayla said 'Being true to who you are' although by being yourself is not easy, we shouldn't stop there. "
Abbi'Abrara'Salsabila binti Haji Zaini | General Participant
Sufri Bolkiah Secondary School​
" Alya Abdullah, she has this energy that makes you comfortable to be with and I like how she qouted "why be simple when you can be extra. "
Nur Saffiyyah Bukhairah bte Mohd Sufri @Nur Maria Saleha | General Participant
St George's School​