1. How much is the ticket to the Mental Health Youth Champions program?
Free. It is fully funded by the Australian High Commission. You would need to apply and go through a selection process.
Only 35 seats are allocated for Active Participants, who will be awarded a certificate. Additional 50 seats are allocated for Observers, who will not be awarded a certificate.
2. Who are the Mental Health Youth Champions program for?
Youth, 15 to 25 year old
Aspiring Mental Health Professionals
School Counsellors
3. What are your selection criteria for the 35 (Active) Participants?
Diversity and Inclusion
Our goal to have a wide coverage to achieve maximum representations across different platforms as Mental Health Youth Champions.
Therefore, our first priority is to have at least 1 person represented from each institution / NGO across Brunei as an Active Participant.
Once we have achieved this, we will exercise Round 2 of our selection processes to accommodate more students within the same institution / NGO to be considered a spot as an Active Participants.
The goal of the program is to develop Mental Health Youth Champions that can effectively use the knowledge as a tool to benefit their community.
Therefore, the participants who pledged their commitment in the application form to:
Attend all 4 Webinars
Actively participate in all group exercises assigned for the program outside of the Webinars
Promote Mental Wellness to the community
Help to suggest my Institution / NGO to become a partnering organisation for this project
will be given preference.
Good Reasons
The participants who made a strong case in their application form on why they should be considered a position will also naturally be provided preference consideration.
4. Why are you only limiting to 35 participation seats when the capacity online is unlimited?
Our goal is to create a highly interactive program that our participants would be fully engaged and gain the most knowledge out of the experience, with the mandate that they could serve as Mental Health Youth Champions to help others.
35 people is the maximum number for an optimal impact for the program to be effective.
5. What about the people who are not being shortlisted as participants?
Given the overwhelming response, we are opening an additional 50 seats for our interested guests who can participate as Observers.
6. How would you define an Observer?
Observers include:
School counsellors / representatives
Applicants who are interested to attend, but are unable to be fully committed
Other invited stakeholders
7. Can we nominate more than 3 students and counsellors from our schools?
Your school counsellors will be categorized as Observer.
Excess applications who do not meet the selection as an Active Participant will be considered a spot as an Observer. Provided if we have enough Observers seats (50 pax).
8. When would I know if I have been shortlisted?
The closing date for application is Friday,10 September. You and your school will be notified of the result of our nomination on Tuesday, 14 September.
9. Who will be awarded a certificate?
Only Active Participants who have successfully attended all 4 sessions of the program will be awarded a certificate.
Observers will NOT be awarded a certificate.
10. When and where can I pick up my certificate?
10am – 4pm
Tuesday – Sunday (from 19 October onwards)
Yippy Tune Music School
B19, 2nd Floor Gadong Central, Gadong
(Above B-Smile Restaurant)
11. I read that there is a virtual roundtable meeting with the HE Tiffany McDonald the Australian High Commission on the 18th September. Can I join the meeting?
This is by invitation to Head of Schools / NGOs only.
The goal is to have a dialogue about the state of young Bruneian’s mental wellbeing as well as to kick off the subsequent webinar starting 25th September.
12. How can my school support this program?
By nominating up to 3 students and your school counsellor to join the program.
By helping us to promote Mental Health Youth Champions to your school community through your notice board, newsletters, social media and other platforms when your students have successfully participated the program.